Vuoden 2005 hankinnat

Added Sony Playstation 2’s Eye toy.

Added seven Sony Playstation 2’s games: Turok Evolution,
Resident evil – code Veronica X, Eye toy – play, Lotus
challenge, Sega superstars, Metal slug 3 and
Dead or alive 2 (all are CIB).

Added another Sega Saturn’s controller, Sony Playstation’s
Commander controller and Competition pro controller
for Commodore Amiga CD32.

Added another Sony Playstation,
okey, I painted it a little bit :).

Added 3-plus Interactive DVD-kids.

Greetings from Dubai!

Added another Mattel Intellivision.

Added two Sega Game Gear’s games: Super smash tv
and master of darkness (both are L).

Added Nokia Ngage QD.

Added four Sony Playstation’s games: Baldur’s Gate: dark
alliance, Grand theft auto Vice city, Ratchet & Clank
and Thunderhawk operation Phoenix (all are CIB).

Added Apple II’s external 5’1/4 disk.

Added bunch of PC cards: 3com etherlink III, Synaptel
isdn card, Nokia Cardphone 2, Nokia cellular data
card, Multitech modem 28k, Dacom gold card, Orinoco
wlan silver, Orinoco wlan gold, Pretec compact flash
adapter and SCM smart card reader.

Added four Nokia N-gage’s games: Bomberman, Pocket
Kingdom own the world, Pathway to glory
and Asphalt urban gt (all are CIB).

Added Nintendo DS’s game: Nintendodogs (CIB).

Added Commodore CD32’s game: Fight (CIB).

Adedd 20 PC’s games: Police quest, Simon the sorcerer II,
Indiana Jones and the last crusade, Secret of monkey
island, Winter challenge, Transarctica, Star trek a final
unity, Legend of Kyrandie book one, King quest I, Space
quest I, Ultima VIII, Companions of Xanth, Links
the challenge of golf, Jurasic park, Indiana Jones
and the fate of Atlantis, Kinq’s quest IV, 7Guest,
Little big adventure, PGA tour gold and
Gobliins 2 (all are CIB).

Adedd Microsoft Xbox’s dvd remote controller.

Added Tandy Radio Shaek TRS-80 model 100 portable computer.

Added seven Sony Playstation’s games: NHL 99,
Klonoa, Gunship, Need for speed III, Tommi
Mäkinen rally, Ape escape and Hidden &
dangerous (all are CIB).

Added five Sega Game Gear’s games: Crystal Warriors,
Sonic 2 and Sonic tails, James Bond 007 the duel,
PGA tour golf and Tailspin (all are L).

Added one Atari Lynx’s game: Pinball jam (L)

Added rare Telercas’s Telmac TMC-600. Made in Finland.

Added three Commodore VIC’s games: Cosmos
Cruncher, alien and Super lander (all are L).

Added five Sony Playstation’s games: Spec ops: airborne
commando, Medal of honor underground, Spider-man,
Ridge racer type 4 and Warhawk (all are CIB).

Added Amstrad PPC512. The Amstrad PPC512 is big and heavy portable.

Added four Vectrex’s games: Star ship, Rip
off, Spike and Scramble (all are L).

Added NEC PC Engine.

Added seven Commodore Amiga’s cd games: Great
Giana sisters trilogy, Gigantic collection, Islona
games, p.OS, Star fighter, Assassins 4
and Prophet (all are L).

Added three Nintendo Advance’s games: Zelda
four sword, Game & watch gallery (both are L) and
Warioland 4 (CIB).

Added 14 Sony Playstation’s games: Colin Mcrae rally,
007 racing, Driver 2, Chanpionship bass, GTA 2, Monster
rancher, Toca touring car, Fifa 99, Worms, Command & conquer,
Rock raiders, 007 tomorrow never dies, 007 world is
not enough and Blasto (all are CIB).

Added bunch of Nintendo Game boy color stuff.

Added another Microsoft Xbox.

Added 10 PC’s games: Splinter cell pandora tomorrow, Command &
conquest red alert 2, Superbike 2001, Conflict desert
storm, Space colony, Star tker away team, Chaser,
Pirates of Caribbean, Sum of all fears
and Dungeon siege (all are CIB).

Added nine Nokia Ngage’s games: Puzzle bobble
vs, Puyo pop, Fifa football 2004, Spiderman 2,
Tiger Woods pga tour 2004, Sims bustin out,
Marcel Desailly pro soccer, Operation
shadow and Ashen (all are CIB).

Added 10 Sega Mega Drive’s games: Pitfall (SW),
PGA tour golf (B), Kawasaki superbikes (B), PGA tour
golf II, Revenge of Shinobi, European club soccer,
Power rangers movie, Golder axe, Primal rage
and Incredible Hulk (all are CIB).

Added four Fairchild’s games: Autorennen,
Backgammon, Baseball and Bowling (all are L).

Added Apple iPod 1GB MP3 -player.

Added Nintendo Game boy Advance accessories:
Kit bag, Multi link, N-case, Mains adaptor,
car adaptor and Floodlighs.

Added eight PC’s games: Aku Ankka universumin sankari,
Heroes IV garing storm, Dragon throne battle of red
cliffs, Art of magic, Lord of ever quest, Rise of nations,
Unreal tournament 2003 and Doom 3 (all are CIB).

Added pdf -file about
living room connection schema.

Added Sega McDonald’s games.

Added four new Sega Saturn sport games:
VR soccer, NFL ’97, NHL all star hockey 98
and Worldwide soccer (all are SW).

Added two PC’s games: Max Payne 2 and
Leisure suit Larry – magna cum laude (both are CIB).

Added 14 PC’s games: Riddle of Master Lu, Noctropolis,
MS Golf, Nuke it, Death gate, IMP Ghoulak, IMP Azrael,
Under a killing moon, Flashback, Sherlock Holmes, Total
chaos, Druid daemons of mind, International
athletics and Jonny bazookatone (all are L).

30.000 visits

Added Nokia Communicator 9300.

Added five Nintendo 64’s games: Knockout kings
2000 (L), WF attitude, Shadow man, NBA jam 99
and Duke Nukem zero hour (all four are CIB).

Added eight Philips videopac’s games: Flipper game,
Las Vegas gambling, Freedom fighters, Pickaxe Pete,
Mousing cat, Satellite attack, Pairs/Space
rendezvous/Logic and Munchkin (all are CIB).

** I have 2222 games now **

Added great handheld game console GamePark 32.

Added few summer photos in photos -section.

Added more Commodore Amiga’s games: Ollo, On
safari, Test drive, IK+, Pinball Magic, Enlightenment
druid II, Pandora, Return to genesis, Newzealand story,
Ball raider, Grid start and Demolition (all are CIB).

** I have over 200 Amiga’s games and programs now **

Added three MSX’s games; Sorcery (L), Super
cross force and Smash (both are CIB).

Added Commodore Amiga’s tenstar pack: Amegas,
art of chess, Barbarian, Buggy boy, Ikari warriors,
Insanity fight, Mercenary, Terrorpods, Thundercars
and Wizball (all are CIB).

Added Nintendo Game boy color Pokemon.

Added three Sega Saturn’s games: Shinobi
legions (L), Revolution X, Tilt (both are CIB).

Added two Nintendo 64’s games: Star Wars shadows
of empire (L) and Pokemon: puzzle league (SW).

Added Sega Dreamcast’s game:
Legacy kain soul reaver (SW).

Added Nintendo Game boy’s game:
Olympic summer games (B).

Added 12 PC’s games: Soldiers (CIB), Hardwar, Iiro
Seppäsen magian maailma, Ski racing, Chartbusters,
U.S. navy fighters, Normality, Lords of magic,
Skywatching, Garmageddon, NHL96 and
C.H.A.O.S. continuum (all are L).

Added Microsoft Xbox’s game: W raw.

Added 10 Commodore Amiga’s games: Cycles accolade,
Indiana Polis 500, Mega pack, Mega pack 2, Back to
future III, Magnum 4, Tintin on moon, Rainbow
islands and Lotus turbo challenge 2 (all are CIB).

Added four Nokia Ngage’s games: Red faction (L),
Money ball, Moto gp and MLB slam (all tree are CIB).

Added nine MSX’s games: Road fighter, Track&field
2, Monkey academy, Time pilot, Knightmare, Goonies,
Mopiranger, Yie Ar Kung-fu and Hyper sport 2 (all are B).

Added Commodore Amiga’s stuff: Cd-kit,
auto mouse/joystic switch and Syncro express III.

Added Apple Mac mini.
What a brilliant machine! Watch out PC!

Added two Nintendo DS’s games: Rayman
and Super Mario 64 DS (both are CIB).

*** Happy first of may ***

Added bunch of Amiga’s manual.

Added three Nintendo Gameboy’s games: Track &
Field (B),Bases loaded and 1200in1 (both are L).

Added Mattel Intellivion’s
game: Night Stalker (CIB).

Added Panasonic 3DO’s game:
Tom Kite Shot making (L).

Added big bunch of Commodore Amiga’s games and
programs: Maple, Real3D, Leaderboard, Las Vegas,
MaxiPlan, Turbo Outrun, Paint, Alter Audio,
Populous, SuperBase personal, Kind Words, Video
Cell animator, Pinball Mania,
Music-X etc (all are CIB).

Added Quickshot Supervision handheld game console.

Added Sony Playstation’s game: UnderWorld (CIB).

Added Sega MegaDrive’s Megacom memory module.

Added Commodore Amiga’s external CD-ROM controller.

Added 13 Commodore Amiga’s games: Blitz tennis,
Alien breed 3D, Chanpionship challenge, Bill’s tomato
game, Ninja collection, Silent service II, Subwar
2050, Desert strike, Bograts, F-16,Winners collection,
Ninja warriors and Rainbow warrior (all are CIB).

Added 14 Commodore Amiga’s games: King of
Chicago, Out to lunch, Ruffian, Leisure Larry III,
Midwinter II Flames of freedom, Jurassic park,
Space Quest IV, Hook, Top gear 2, Sensible world
of soccer, Arcade action, Grand prix formula one,
Second samurai and Prime mover (all are CIB).

Added seven Apple II interface cards.

Added Apple II Europlus.

Added two PC’s games: Hitman contracts and
Thief deadly shadows (both are L).

Added Nintendo Game Boy Pocket (Silver).

Added homemade Sinclair,from 1980.

Added bunch of NEC Pc Engine’s games.

Added two Sega Dreamcast’s games: Virtua athlete 2K
and Ultimate fighting (both are SW).

I messed one machine more, this time the Commodore
Amiga. There is a few photos in computer museum -section.

Added Nintendo 64’s accessory parts.

Added Spectravideo Economizer SVI-1000.

Added three PC’s games: Sim city 3000, Battlefield
Vietnam and Gladiator sword of vengeance (all are CIB).

Added Xircom Rex5000, interesting PDA machine.

Added five Nintendo Gameboy Color’s games: Megaman
xtreme (SW), Bubble bobble, Roadsters, Donkey kong
country and Super Mario bros deluxe (all are CIB).

Added Nokia 2010 phone.

Added Nintendo Game boy Color atomic purple.

added Nintendo 64.

Added Bandai SwanCrystal.

Added SNK NeoGeo pocket’s games: Metal slug 2nd
mission and Sonic Pocket adventure (both are L).

Added Super Nintendo’s games: Sim city and
Super swiv (both are CIB).

Added Commodore 64’s game: Ultimata IV (CIB).

Added Pioneer Palcom PX-7 MSX.

Added six MSX’s games: Konami’s Tennis, Konami’s
Ping-pong, Konami’s Comic bakery, Konami’s Super
cobra, Konami’s Billiards and Konami’s Golf (CIB).

Added three Vectrex’s games: Cosmic chasm,
Starhawk and Berzerk (all are L).

Added Nec Turbografx’s game: Fire pro
wrestling 2nd bout (L).

Added Microsoft xBox’s game: Amped 2 (CIB).

Added seven Sega Game Gear’s games: Lion king,
Jungle book, Sonic chaos, Sonic spinball, Ms Pac-man,
Pac-man (all are SW) and Aladdin (L).

Added Microsoft Xbox’s game: Red dead revolver (CIB).

Added Sony Playstation 2’s games: Max
Payne 2 and JAK II renegade (CIB).

Added Psion 3A s3c.

Added two Vectrex’s games:
Clean sweep and flipper pinball (both are L).

Added Bit corp.’s Gamate. The poor
Nintenbo Gameboy imitation.