New items

  • Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II

    Big Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II package. In addition to the machine, a rare disk drive and a game controller are also included. The package also includes 19 games.

    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Keyboard (2)
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Floppy Disk Interface
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Joystick
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Disk drive
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Printer cable

    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II games:
    Obstacle CIB T
    Lunar CIB T
    Reverse CIB T
    Gobbler CIB T
    Rain CIB T
    U.F.O CIB T
    Galaxy Travel CIB T
    County Carnival CIB T
    Starblaster CIB
    Snake CIB T
    Pyramid CIB T
    Beetle CIB T
    Gead On CIB T
    Gorgon CIB T
    Micro-nurse CIB T
    Sabotage CIB T
    Alien CIB T
    Gomoku CIB T
    O X Games CIB T

    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Books:
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II User’s Manual
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II FDI-MPF-II Floppy disk interface installation guide
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Floppy disk installation Manual
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Installation manual
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Self Diagnosis Manual
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Special Features of Monitor Program V 3.0
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Printer Interface Kits Operation Manual
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Introduction to Basic Programming

  • Sinclair ZX80

    Sinclair ZX80

  • Computer museum Ata

    Finally, the big job is finished and the retro computers have been moved to my new home.

  • Atari 600XL

    Atari 600XL (CIB)
    Atari Touch Table (CIB)

    Rescue on Fractalus! CIB T
    Mercenary CIB T
    Second City CIB T
    Great American Cross-Country Road Race CIB T
    Elektra Glide CIB T
    Pitfall L C
    Colossus Chess 3.0 CIB T
    Jungle Hunt CIB C
    Biorhythm CIB T
    Galaxian CIB C
    Pac-Man CIB C
    Moon Patrol CIB C
    Tennis CIB C
    Pole Position CIB C
    Robotron:2084 CIB C

  • Amstrad CPC games

    Konami Coin-op Hits CIB D
    Screen Desingner L D
    Spindizzy CIB D
    Winter Games CIB D
    Leader Board CIB D
    3-d Voice Chess CIB T
    Strike Harrier CIB D
    Bruce Lee CIB D
    Panda Sprites CIB D
    Music System CIB D

  • Year 2022

    Atari 2600jr
    Atari controller
    Atari 2600 power adapter

    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Keyboard (2)
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Floppy Disk Interface
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Joystick
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Disk drive
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Printer cable

    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II games:
    Obstacle CIB T
    Lunar CIB T
    Reverse CIB T
    Gobbler CIB T
    Rain CIB T
    U.F.O CIB T
    Galaxy Travel CIB T
    County Carnival CIB T
    Starblaster CIB
    Snake CIB T
    Pyramid CIB T
    Beetle CIB T
    Gead On CIB T
    Gorgon CIB T
    Micro-nurse CIB T
    Sabotage CIB T
    Alien CIB T
    Gomoku CIB T
    O X Games CIB T

    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Books:
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II User’s Manual
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II FDI-MPF-II Floppy disk interface installation guide
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Floppy disk installation Manual
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Installation manual
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Self Diagnosis Manual
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Special Features of Monitor Program V 3.0
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Printer Interface Kits Operation Manual
    Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-II Introduction to Basic Programming

    Sinclair ZX80

    Atari 600XL (CIB)
    Atari Touch Table (CIB)

    Atari 600XL games:
    Rescue on Fractalus! CIB T
    Mercenary CIB T
    Second City CIB T
    Great American Cross-Country Road Race CIB T
    Elektra Glide CIB T
    Pitfall L C
    Colossus Chess 3.0 CIB T
    Jungle Hunt CIB C
    Biorhythm CIB T
    Galaxian CIB C
    Pac-Man CIB C
    Moon Patrol CIB C
    Tennis CIB C
    Pole Position CIB C
    Robotron:2084 CIB C

    Amstrad CPC games:
    Konami Coin-op Hits CIB D
    Screen Desingner L D
    Spindizzy CIB D
    Winter Games CIB D
    Leader Board CIB D
    3-d Voice Chess CIB T
    Strike Harrier CIB D
    Bruce Lee CIB D
    Panda Sprites CIB D
    Music System CIB D

  • IBM PC Portable model 5155

    IBM PC Portable model 5155

  • Acorn Electron games

    Gunsmoke CIB
    Stratobomber CIB
    3D Bomb Alley CIB
    Invaders CIB
    Castle of Skull Lord CIB
    Blitzkrieg CIB
    Snapper CIB
    Monters CIB
    Hobgoblin CIB
    Hobgoblin II CIB
    Plan B2 CIB
    Gisburne’s Castle CIB
    Twin Kingdom Valley CIB
    Kane CIB

  • Atari Jaguar Official Gamer’s Guide

    Atari Jaguar Official Gamer’s Guide

  • Casio FA-10, Casio FP-12s

    Casio FA-10 Docking Station
    Casio FP-12s Mini Thermal Printer (3)

  • Super Nintendo Mario Paint (SW)

    Super Nintendo Mario Paint (SW)

  • IBM ThinkPad 380CE

    IBM ThinkPad 380CE

  • Saitek X35T and X36F controllers

    Saitek X35T and X36F controllers

  • C64 Afrikan Tähti

    C64 Afrikan Tähti (CIB)

  • Apple Lisa 2

    Apple Lisa 2

  • Compaq SLT/286 model 2680

    Compaq SLT/286 model 2680

  • Apple IIe

    Apple IIe
    Apple Dual Disk
    Apple Monitor II

  • Amstrad CPC464 Plus

    Amstrad CPC464 Plus (CIB)

    Amstrad CPC464 Games:
    32 in one L C
    Thing Bounces Back L T
    10 Great Games II CIB T
    Fast Food CIB T
    Animals Vegetable Mineral CIB T
    Super Stunt Man CIB T
    Quest of the Golden Egg Cup CIB T
    Thriller Pack CIB T
    Space Harrier CIB T
    To Fun Ninja Collection CIB T
    Driller featuring Freescape CIB T
    Desert Rats CIB T
    Football Manager 2 Expansion Kit CIB T
    Armageddon Man B T
    All-Stars CIB T
    Chuck Yeager’s Advanced Flight Trainer CIB T
    Electronic Music Utility CIB T
    Graphic Adventure Creator CIB T
    After Burner CIB T
    We Are the Champions CIB T
    Mega Games vol One B T

  • Apple III

    Apple III

  • Tomy Planet Zeon 3D

    Tomy Planet Zeon 3D (CIB)

  • Nokia Calculator

    Nokia Calculator

  • Nintendo Super Famicom Rental Storage

    Nintendo Super Famicom Rental Storage

  • Nintendo Wii 25th Anniversary

    Nintendo Wii 25th Anniversary (CIB)

  • Atari 2600 Unimex Duplicator SP280

    Atari 2600 Unimex Duplicator SP280 (CIB).

  • two Salora Manger

    two Salora Manager (one CIB)
    two Salora FD 100A -disk driver (both CIB)
    Salora Plotter (CIB)

  • Year 2021

    IBM PC Portable model 5155

    Super Mario Velj. suomi versio NIB

    Nintendo 64 pelit:
    Star Wars Racer Episode I CIB EU
    MicroMachines 64 Turbo CIB EU
    Knife Edge CIB EU

    Atari Jaguar Official Gamer’s Guide

    Acorn Electron pelit:
    Gunsmoke CIB
    Stratobomber CIB
    3D Bomb Alley CIB
    Invaders CIB
    Castle of Skull Lord CIB
    Blitzkrieg CIB
    Snapper CIB
    Monters CIB
    Hobgoblin CIB
    Hobgoblin II CIB
    Plan B2 CIB
    Gisburne’s Castle CIB
    Twin Kingdom Valley CIB
    Kane CIB

    Sony Playstation 2

    Casio FA-10 Docking Station
    Casio FP-12s Mini Thermal Printer (3)

    Saitek X35T and X36F controllers

    IBM ThinkPad 380CE

    Super Nintendo Mario Paint (SW)

    Commodore 64 game: Afrikan tähti CIB

    Apple Lisa 2

    Commodore Amiga 500

    Apple IIe
    Apple Dual Disk
    Apple Monitor II

    two Commodore Amiga 500

    Compaq SLT/286 model 2680

    Amstrad CPC464 Plus (CIB)

    Amstrad CPC464 Games:
    32 in one L C
    Thing Bounces Back L T
    10 Great Games II CIB T
    Fast Food CIB T
    Animals Vegetable Mineral CIB T
    Super Stunt Man CIB T
    Quest of the Golden Egg Cup CIB T
    Thriller Pack CIB T
    Space Harrier CIB T
    To Fun Ninja Collection CIB T
    Driller featuring Freescape CIB T
    Desert Rats CIB T
    Football Manager 2 Expansion Kit CIB T
    Armageddon Man B T
    All-Stars CIB T
    Chuck Yeager’s Advanced Flight Trainer CIB T
    Electronic Music Utility CIB T
    Graphic Adventure Creator CIB T
    After Burner CIB T
    We Are the Champions CIB T
    Mega Games vol One B T

    Apple III

    Nokia calculator

    two Commodore 64 main units

    Commodore 64 games:
    Game Set and Match 10 Hit Games CIB T
    Rambo L T
    California Games CIB T
    Summer Games II CIB T
    Stallon Cobra CIB T

    Tomy Planet Zeon 3D (CIB)

    Nintendo Super Famicom Rental Storage

    Commodore Amiga 500 (CIB)

    Atari 2600 Unimex Duplicator SP280 (CIB)

    Nintendo Wii 25th Anniversary (CIB)

    two Salora Manager (one CIB)
    two Salora FD 100A -disk driver (both CIB)
    Salora Plotter (CIB)

  • Hewlett Packard Omnibook 425

    Hewlett Packard Omnibook 425

  • Nintendo Game Boy High Tech Transparent

    Nintendo Game Boy High Tech Transparent (CIB).

  • Atari Jaguar games

    Wolfenstein 3D CIB
    Missile Command 3D CIB
    Attack of the Mutant Penguins CIB
    Dragon the Bruce Lee Story CIB
    Troy Aikman Football CIB
    Checkered Flag CIB
    Super Burn Out CIB
    Zoop CIB
    Fever Pitch Soccer CIB
    Pitfall the Mayan Adventure CIB
    Brutal Sports Football CIB (oli jo)
    Bubsy In: Fractured Furry Tales CIB
    Kasimi Ninja CIB
    NBA Jam CIB

    Atari Jaguar Team Tap Multi-player Adapter CIB

  • DELTA-S (ZX Spectrum Plus)

    DELTA-S (ZX Spectrum Plus clone)

  • PC programs

    Lotus Symphony CIB D
    IBM Display Write 3 CIB D
    Lion King CIB D
    Graphics Works All in One CIB D

  • Philips G7000

    Philips G7000 (B).

  • Psion Organiser II model XP

    Psion Organiser II model XP, Psion Printer II and power adapters.

    Psion Organiser II Operating Manual
    Psion Organiser II Printer

  • Nintendo NES instructions storage folder

    Two the Nintendo NES instructions storage folders.

  • Nintendo Super NES Super Mario All Stars & Super Mario World

    Nintendo Super NES Super Mario All Stars Super Mario World CIB

  • Compaq Portable Computer

    Compaq Portable Computer

  • Blaupunkt TV-Action

    Blaupunkt TV-Action (CIB).

  • Nintendo Super NES Donkey Kong Set USA

    Nintendo Super NES Donkey Kong Set CIB USA

  • Sega Saturn Games

    SIM City 2000 CIB
    Independence Day the Game CIB

  • Nintendo lehdet

    Melkein täydellinen Nintendo lehtikokonaisuus.
    Puuttuvat numerot 2/90, 1-4/91
    Paljon ylimääräisiä lehtiä vaihdossa puuttuviin

  • Applied tech. Microbee ohjelmat

    Microbee ohjelmat:
    Storpack A-B CIB T
    Storpack C-D CIB T
    Storpack E CIB T
    Robotman CIB T
    Datbas CIB T
    Busy Calc CIB T

  • Colecovision USA

    Colecovision USA (CIB)

  • Compaq Portable Computer

    Compaq Portable Computer

  • Nintendo keräilykortit ja tarrat

    Nintendo keräilykortit (koko sarja 64 korttia) kansiossa.
    Avaamaton myyntipaketti, jossa kaikki tarrat ja purkat.
    Neljä avaamatonta pakettia erilaisia Nintendo kohotarroja.

  • Year 2020

    Nintendo Game Boy High Tech Transparent (CIB)

    Hewlett Packard Omnibook 425

    Atari Jaguar pelit:
    Wolfenstein 3D CIB
    Missile Command 3D CIB
    Attack of the Mutant Penguins CIB
    Dragon the Bruce Lee Story CIB
    Troy Aikman Football CIB
    Checkered Flag CIB
    Super Burn Out CIB
    Zoop CIB
    Fever Pitch Soccer CIB
    Pitfall the Mayan Adventure CIB
    Brutal Sports Football CIB (oli jo)
    Bubsy In: Fractured Furry Tales CIB
    Kasimi Ninja CIB
    NBA Jam CIB

    Atari Jaguar Team Tap Multi-player Adapter CIB

    DELTA-S (ZX Spectrum Plus)

    Microsoft Xbox 360, video cable, power adapter and two controllers

    Philips G7000 -paketti (B)

    PC -ohjelmia:
    Lotus Symphony CIB D
    IBM Display Write 3 CIB D
    Lion King CIB D
    Graphics Works All in One CIB D

    Nintendo NES instructions storage folder

    Psion Organiser II model XP, Psion Printer II, power adapters

    Psion Organiser II Operating Manual
    Psion Organiser II Printer

    Nintendo Super NES Super Mario All Stars Super Mario World CIB

    Compaq Portable Computer

    Blaupunkt TV-Action CIB

    Sega Saturn games:
    SIM City 2000 CIB
    Independence Day the Game CIB

    Nintendo Super NES Donkey Kong Set CIB USA

    Microbee ohjelmat:
    Storpack A-B CIB T
    Storpack C-D CIB T
    Storpack E CIB T
    Robotman CIB T
    Datbas CIB T
    Busy Calc CIB T

    Nintendo lehdet

    Commodore Amiga peli:
    Grand Prix CIB (oli jo)

    PC pelit:
    Star Trek Hidden Evil SW CD
    Star Trek the Next Generation CIB CD
    Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2 CIB CD (oli jo)

    CBS Colecovision peli:
    Zazzon L (oli jo)

    Nintendo Gamecube pelit:
    Metroid Prime CIB (oli jo)
    Metroid Prime 2: Echoes CIB (oli jo)

    Sony Playstation 2 peli:
    Singstar CIB
    Final Fantasy X-2 (Platinum) CIB (oli jo)

    Nintendo DS peli:
    Assasins’s Creed Altair’s Chronicles SW

    Mictosoft Xbox360 pelit:
    Kinect Adventures! CIB
    Just Dance 4 CIB
    Just Dance 2016 CIB

    Microsoft Xbox pelit:
    Call of Cthulhu dark corners of the Easth CIB
    Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King LM

    Nintendo Wii pelit:
    Super Fruit Fall SW
    Metroid Prime 3 Corruption CIB

    Sony Playstation 3 pelit:
    Beatles Rockband CIB
    Heavenly Sword CIB
    SingStar CIB
    SingStar Vol 3 CIB
    SingStar ABBA CIB
    SingStar Queen CIB

    Colecovision USA (CIB)

    Compaq Portable Computer

    Nintendo keräilykortit (koko sarja 64 korttia) ja tarrat (neljä pakettia erilaisia tarroja)

    Commodore VIC peli: Typo L

    Commodore64 Magic Desk I moduli

    IBM PC/AT 5170, IBM Color monitor 5153, keyboard, PC Mouse

    Microsoft Lumia 950XL

    Commodore Amiga ohjelma: Deluxepaint IV AGA L

    PC ohjelma: Micrografx Designer D CIB

  • IBM PC/AT 5170

    IBM PC/AT 5170, IBM Color monitor 5153, keyboard, PC Mouse.

  • PC Micrografx Designer

    Micrografx Designer D CIB

  • Sega Naomi

    Sega Naomi ja pelit:
    Virtual Striker2 ver.2000 CART
    Virtual Tennis (Power Smash) CART
    Dead or Alive 2 CART
    Under Defeat GD-ROM
    Ikaruga GD-ROM
    Sports Jam GD-ROM

  • Nintendo Color TV-Game Block Breaker

    Nintendo Color TV-Game Block Breaker (CIB).

  • Apple SE paketti

    Apple Macintosh SE, näppäimistö, hiiri ja AppleWriter II